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Many stable owners let their horses in the pasture during autumn, as it’s pleasing to witness grass growth after the summer months. However, an essential consideration often goes unnoticed: the grasses in these fields endure considerable stress from extended dry periods, grazing, and trampling.

These areas commonly feature performance-oriented grasses, which are inherently suboptimal for equine consumption in their composition. Under stress, these grasses respond by accumulating more fructan and elevating their endophyte content.

Both factors amplify the risk of horses developing laminitis while grazing on such areas. Moreover, flatulence, diarrhoea, and colic frequently manifest, as the equine digestive system isn’t adequately prepared for the sudden growth of grass post a prolonged, arid summer.

Considering horse well-being and land preservation, it’s imperative to close the pastures at this juncture and provide horses with dry lots for the winter, supplemented by ample hay.

The pastures should be mowed, and manure residues cleared. If required, problematic areas should be limed to mitigate the presence of parasites. After use, it’s also advisable to take soil samples and have them assessed to ascertain the necessary soil amendments for facilitating equine-friendly growth next summer.

In cases where horses exhibit signs of tense walking, warm hooves, or other signals for potential laminitis, a veterinarian should be consulted. Concurrently, these symptoms can be managed using OKAPI HoofCool forte.

Experienced therapists can provide additional support via methods such as leech therapy, homeopathy, and other alternative techniques.

Furthermore, in instances of suspected insulin resistance, a blood test should be conducted (as grass often contains high sugar levels), or a urine test may reveal signs of detoxification disorders like cryptopyrroluria (KPU). For issues related to flatulence and colic tendencies, administering OKAPI Intestinal Welfare Herbs has demonstrated effectiveness in restoring balance to faulty fermentation processes.

Faecal water exhibits positive responses to OKAPI ColoProtect forte, used in conjunction with psyllium. However, multiple factors contribute to the development of faecal water, encompassing stomach ulcers and stress due to wrong housing. Horses experiencing these symptoms should be granted paddock access with 24-hour hay availability, followed by an investigation into any potential underlying causes to offer sustained assistance to the horse.