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The scorching summer temperatures pose challenges for many horses. Merely standing in the pasture or seeking refuge in the shelter causes not only us humans but also our equine companions to sweat profusely. Through sweat, the body loses a large proportion of minerals, the electrolytes.

For horses, these electrolytes primarily include sodium, chloride, and magnesium. Most horses can replenish their normal electrolyte losses through mineral feeds. Therefore, it is crucial to offer a mineral feed balancer regularly, either mixed into the feed bucket or as a lick.

This is where the OKAPI Mineral Pur G comes in handy in the summer time (we developed the OKAPI mineral products together with the OKAPI team based on our experience and can therefore recommend them). It is a pure blend of minerals and trace elements without added vitamins since horses can typically obtain sufficient vitamin intake from the pasture grass. If you live on particularly mineral-poor sandy or bog soils, you should take the OKAPI Pasture Mineral G , it is specially developed for the care of horses that are fed mineral-poor roughage. If the horse has regular exercise, including rides during the cooler morning or evening hours, it perspires considerably more. During light work, a horse can lose up to 5 liters of sweat. In such cases, the supply via the mineral feed is often no longer sufficient, as too many trace elements would be absorbed in relation to the electrolytes.

Therefore, you should definitely compensate for the loss of minerals in the very warm weather phases by administering OKAPI electrolyte after work.

The glucose contained can then be quickly absorbed by the muscles and stored in the energy stores and the electrolytes compensate for the losses. This can prevent health problems caused by electrolyte deficiency.

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